
Friday, April 5, 2019

Blogger Login Error How To Login

On April 2, 2019  Google Shut down Google+ which has been announced since 2018 by Google that come April 2019 google plus will go down.
Now if you have not access your blogger dashboard before now , you will be getting  redirected to blogger  homepage all the time on Chrome and other device . I believe it's related to the shutdown of Google+. Believe me if you have been accessing your dashboard prior now you will be getting this message that read :" Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation schedule for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to blogger's  Google+ Integration on 4 February 2019" this information appears on blogger dashboard for a while as a reminder of this shutdown , the remaining announcement can be seen on the image below.

This error occurs especially if your blogger profile you are using is google+ profile. so google now want you to change that to blogger profile.

To be able to access your blogger dashboard follow this simple solution .
I hope it help .Load again this "profile change" page -> enter my "Display Name" -> click "Continue to Blogger" .

It only works if you've used your Google+ profile so far, or if you haven't yet chosen a Display Name for your Blogger profile.

If you are currently not logged in to any of Google's services, you can do it here first:

If this Help comment below.......

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