For four hours and four hours only, Konga will be offering massive discounts across all categories during the Leap Year Deals. This a wonderful opportunity to take that leap to change that gadget you have always wanted to. Whether it’s a new phone, tab, laptop, PlayStation console, games, headphones, External hard drives, phone accessories, or other tech devices you need to make life easier and swifter for you, take that leap in the Leap year deals to get great discounts on these and more.
The Leap Year Deals is happening on the 29th of February 2016 from 10am to 2pm. Don’t miss out on these once in four years deals. We think it’s time to Try Konga! Click here to join the countdown to the Leap Year Deals.
How to Buy things Online On Konga.com
device, tabs, pads or laptop.
2. Search , Select or click on the product you wishto buy (If the product you wish to buy is not on
the homepage, click /browse or select the category or name of the manufacturer such
as Infinix, Tecno, Samsung, Injoo etc on the left hand side of the home page), AS seen below,

3. Click on the product you wish to buy to reveal
more info about the product.

4. Click on add to your cart,
5. Click on buy now on the product page (it automatically adds product to your cart.)
6. Then click on proceed to checkout The next page displays shipping cost and
quantity of items. Click the “proceed to checkout
7. At his stage you have to sign into your konga.com account if you have registered with Konga.com before or register a new account with your email address if you have
not registered before, you can also sign in with your facebook account if you own one (makes
filling forms quick and faster so i’ll rather opt to sign up using my facebook account).
Sign Up
Already have an account? Sign In
on deliver to this address) . This is where you
enter the address where your product is going to
be delivered, so my advice is to be careful when
entering your address.
9. Now Choose a payment option e.g. Via ATM orpay on delivery (an advice; make sure you are on
a very fast network when doing this).
10. And now click on confirm payment
11. Now wait for your item to be delivered
to your door step!!!
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