Saturday, June 23, 2012

Garcinia kola (Bitter Kola),Anacardium occidentale(cashew nut),Cola nitida (Kolanut),Zingiber officinale(Ginger),Anacardium occidentale(Garlic)

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for as low as $15 per kg.
GARCINIA Cola, popularly called bitter kola has been identified as a potent antibiotic which could be efficacious in the treatment of HIV and AIDS. Bitter kola is found in the tropical rain region and given different names in Nigeria. It is known as Orogbo in Yorubland, Namijin-goro among Hausa, Akuilu in Igboland.

The seeds are used to make a reddish dye. Historical uses of Kola Nut include increasing the capacity for physical exertion, for enduring fatigue without food, for stimulating a weak heart, and for treating nervous debility, weakness, lack of emotion, nervous diarrhea, depression, despondency, brooding, anxiety, and sea sickness. Kola Nut was said to make ideas become clearer, and thoughts flow more easily & clearly. However, too much stimulative effect is said to cause thoughts to "scatter". Kola has a marked stimulating effect on the human consciousness. In the short term, it may be used in nervous debility, in states of weakness. Additionally, it can act as a specific for nervous diarrhea. It will also aid in states of depression and may, in some people, give rise to euphoric states.


Ginger's ability to combat a variety of diseases and conditions is due in part to its impact on excessive inflammation, which is a significant underlying cause of many illnesses. Inflammation is the body's natural healing response to illness or injury, and its pain, redness, heat, and swelling are attempts to keep you from moving a damaged area while it is being repaired. Inflammation subsides as the body heals. However, in some conditions, including arthritis, diverticulosis, gallbladder inflammation, and heart disease, the inflammation does not go away. It becomes chronic and leads to many other problems.


  1. It is known as Orogbo in Yorubland, Namijin-goro among Hausa, Akuilu in Igboland. Garcinia Cambogia Oz

  2. What is the difference between Bitter Kola and Kola-nut?
