Friday, April 5, 2019

Blogger Login Error How To Login

On April 2, 2019  Google Shut down Google+ which has been announced since 2018 by Google that come April 2019 google plus will go down.
Now if you have not access your blogger dashboard before now , you will be getting  redirected to blogger  homepage all the time on Chrome and other device . I believe it's related to the shutdown of Google+. Believe me if you have been accessing your dashboard prior now you will be getting this message that read :" Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation schedule for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to blogger's  Google+ Integration on 4 February 2019" this information appears on blogger dashboard for a while as a reminder of this shutdown , the remaining announcement can be seen on the image below.

This error occurs especially if your blogger profile you are using is google+ profile. so google now want you to change that to blogger profile.

To be able to access your blogger dashboard follow this simple solution .
I hope it help .Load again this "profile change" page -> enter my "Display Name" -> click "Continue to Blogger" .

It only works if you've used your Google+ profile so far, or if you haven't yet chosen a Display Name for your Blogger profile.

If you are currently not logged in to any of Google's services, you can do it here first:

If this Help comment below.......

Monday, November 19, 2018

Free IMEI Generator In Nigeria

Resulting IMEI number:

Generate IMEI string( Click on the Get IMEI Number to Start Generating )

The IMEI number also called International Mobile Station Equipment Identity usually unique, is used by 3GPP (i.e., GSM, UMTS and LTE) and iDEN mobile phones, as well as some satellite phones to identify valid devices.
It Could be displayed on-screen on most phones by entering *#06#.
The IMEI (14 digits plus a check digit: 15 decimal digits) includes information on the origin, model, and serial number of the device.The generator will gives you IMEI numbers for testing only.

To check for result use the imei validator link below to ascertain if the IMEI is valid
Here is an IMEI validator to validate the result.